Welcome to the world of 21 Futures

Freedom through fiction


21 Futures is a cypherpunk fiction project designed to further our understanding of privacy, personal liberty and financial freedom.

Tales from the Timechain: Book Trailer

Our Work

Tales from the Timechain (2023)

The world's first bitcon fiction anthology

Financial Fallout (2025)

Currencies debased.

Privacy under attack.

Cash goes underground.

The crushing weight of debt.



Dozens more freedom and cypherpunk stories

Publish with Us

We publish high-quality manuscripts and support our authors' missions.

Join our Telegram Channel

Share your work and join the discussion on cypherpunk fiction and freedom topics.


Eric Bies, Bitcoin Magazine

"What 21 Futures promises to do for bitcoin is to be one of the vehicles making headway toward that future."

Max Hillebrand, CEO of zkSNACKs

"I'm a supporter and sponsor of this project because it is propagating freedom tech and cypherpunk ideals through beautiful stories and art."

21 Futures Blog

REVIEW - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

REVIEW - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

A review of classic libertarian fiction by 21 Futures contributor and author DJ Bodden. ...more


February 25, 20252 min read

FICTION - To Have and to Hodl

FICTION - To Have and to Hodl

A Maldives honeymoon goes from sats on the beach to boating accident when Alison finally honours a pact to share her new husband's interest in the magic internet money, learning more than she'd bargai... ...more


February 25, 202520 min read

FICTION - The Fable of the Tyrant Alchemist

FICTION - The Fable of the Tyrant Alchemist

First, the quiet came. Each day, the markets grew quieter, the people hungrier. A farmer stared at wilted crops, dread settling in his heart. ...more


February 25, 202522 min read

OPINION - The Rapid Rise of Bitcoin Fiction

OPINION - The Rapid Rise of Bitcoin Fiction

Written stories have been crucial to spreading ideas for centuries. And with bitcoin now on the radar of traditional finance and legacy media, fiction is helping to build understanding and speed up ad... ...more

Fiction ,Review

February 19, 20253 min read

FICTION - The Facility

FICTION - The Facility

A flawless red sky stretches out past the hills — means the end is coming. Ain’t seen nothing like it in my forty-three years on this planet, and I’ve seen a lot of horrors. ...more


February 19, 202518 min read

FICTION - Are We or Are We Not

FICTION - Are We or Are We Not

There was a genuine reason to work the code words in seamlessly. Malbots tended to detect extra security in conversations and increase the level of attack in the hope that there was a bitcoin transfer... ...more


February 19, 202510 min read

Our Story

21 Futures was conceived in 2022 by author and editor Philip Charter.

In 2023, our first anthology was published by Konsensus Network and was presented at Bitcoin Atlantis the next year.

In 2025, 21 Futures became an imprint of Konsensus Network, offering a new platform and publishing services to authors in the freedom fiction space.

Our team is made up of a group of dedicated individuals who are all committed to achieving one goal: spreading freedom through stories.