21 Futures Blog

INTERVIEW - Lindsay Burns

INTERVIEW - Lindsay Burns

INTERVIEW - Lindsay BurnsPhilip Charter
Published on: 04/03/2025

An interview with author Lindsay Burns, whose story, 'Dreaming Big', appears in 21 Futures: Financial Fallout

OPINION - The Rapid Rise of Bitcoin Fiction

OPINION - The Rapid Rise of Bitcoin Fiction

OPINION - The Rapid Rise of Bitcoin FictionPhilip Charter
Published on: 19/02/2025

Written stories have been crucial to spreading ideas for centuries. And with bitcoin now on the radar of traditional finance and legacy media, fiction is helping to build understanding and speed up adoption.

FICTION - The Facility

FICTION - The Facility

FICTION - The FacilityPhilip Charter
Published on: 19/02/2025

A flawless red sky stretches out past the hills — means the end is coming. Ain’t seen nothing like it in my forty-three years on this planet, and I’ve seen a lot of horrors.

INTERVIEW - Decent Money

INTERVIEW - Decent Money

INTERVIEW - Decent MoneyPhilip Charter
Published on: 18/02/2025

An interview with 21 Futures contributor and Financial Fallout competition prize runner-up, Decent Money.

REVIEW - The Mandibles by Lionel Shriver

REVIEW - The Mandibles by Lionel Shriver

REVIEW - The Mandibles by Lionel ShriverPhilip Charter
Published on: 17/02/2025

This book traces the fortunes of the Mandibles, a wealthy family living in a badly decaying New York of 2029.

INTERVIEW - Carl Andrews

INTERVIEW - Carl Andrews

INTERVIEW - Carl AndrewsPhilip Charter
Published on: 17/02/2025

An interview with 21 Futures contributor and author of a new bitcoin haiku book.
