FICTION - The Galactic Playbook
This memo intends to brief the federated societies of the galaxy on the status of one specific emerging civilization that has increasingly been of interest to our members, and further, to recommend caution when traveling unannounced nearby their local planet.
External Memo #263 from the Emerging Civilizations Council (ECC)
As you are all aware, it is the intention of our federated societies to isolate any emerging civilization in order to allow them the freedom to evolve and innovate independent of any external knowledge or technology. The benefits of this are twofold. Firstly, if during their scientific exploration and development, they are able to reach our same conclusions about the fundamentals of the universe, then we receive additional independent confirmation of our existing knowledge base. Secondly, and of much greater interest, is that all of our most advanced zero-to-one technological innovations have originated from these isolated civilizations because they are permitted to solve problems without bias from more advanced societies.
In earlier times, some of our members practiced strategic infusions of knowledge into emerging civilizations that would be disguised as native discoveries in order to secretly accelerate their advancement. While this was effective in developing advanced and peaceful civilizations more quickly, it was observed that those societies rarely developed any meaningful new technologies. As we have since learned, once a bias is introduced into an emerging civilization, it is typically destined to only innovate around our existing knowledge base.
More dangerously, societies that become aware of more advanced galactic civilizations almost always become focused on extrasolar power projection. This is an extension of the local evolutionary pressures that led to their domination as the apex predator on their planet. Only after they access the virtually unlimited resources of the galaxy, and they have resolved their internal struggle over distribution of those resources, will they be granted full federation status and interspecies technology transfer can be permitted. Prior to this stage, technology transfer from advanced societies must be avoided, as it can destabilize their development and often leads to the destruction of our most precious galactic resource; independent, decentralized technological innovation.
The dominant intelligent species of the specific civilization that is the focus of this memo identify as “Humans” and collectively inhabit a planet they call “Earth.” The Humans of Earth have yet to discover any advanced technology that would be useful to our members at this time; however, based on a key recent milestone in their development, their status has been upgraded to that of “pre-federation,” making them the leading candidate for our next admission into the galactic federation. As such, it has been estimated that first contact with the Humans of Earth may be possible within the next 1-2 GmRs [1 Galactic micro-Rotation (GmR) equals approximately 200 Earth solar orbits and spans approximately 10 human generations].
Their recent promotion to pre-federation status is based on their discovery of inviolable absolute scarcity — a key event that was independently reached among all federation members and typically triggers exponential advancement within two to four local generations. As is the case on Earth, inviolable absolute scarcity is virtually always used to develop undiluted intraspecies communication of value (the so-called perfect money). This has shown to be critical for cooperation and advancement among planetary apex predators throughout our galaxy.
The Earth-based discovery centers around a simple massless ledger system that is secured by electric power projection and is rapidly being adopted among the Humans of Earth. As with most apex predators, human trust is extremely difficult to scale across their entire planetary population. However, the new Earth-based monetary system, which they have named “bitcoin,” is quickly gaining the trust of humans as it continues to prove its inviolability. As has been the case among all emerging civilizations since the formation of the ECC, scarcity alone, even absolute scarcity, has never been enough to trigger exponential technological growth. The source of absolute scarcity must also be inviolable, or it will never be sufficiently trusted among a population.
The new currency of Earth is in the process of proving its inviolability by surviving numerous attacks with no meaningful disruption. Notably, even those closest to its discovery attempted to violate the properties of Earth’s initial implementation of absolute scarcity but were unsuccessful. Today it continues to withstand external attacks by those who have the most to lose, as adoption of a true and fair economic communication threatens to expose the opposition’s less productive, less efficient ideas. This, of course, is the specific class that must be disintegrated in order to allow the Humans of Earth to innovate freely and unlock exponential advancement. This same scenario has played out in all of our ancient histories following the discovery of inviolable absolute scarcity.
Because bitcoin has only existed for approximately one half of one human generation, proofs of inviolability have only been apparent to those who are looking the closest into the implications of the new discovery. Unsurprisingly, the humans who are the most inadequately compensated by the previous monetary systems are the first to find the benefits of inviolable absolute scarcity.
The highly anticipated exponential advancement from the now pre-federation Humans of Earth has attracted the interest of many of our members. Note, that at this juncture, the galactic playbook permits members to approach a pre-federation civilization undetected in order to fairly attain small quantities of their local implementation of inviolable absolute scarcity. The purpose of this practice is to allow our members to obtain a compatible and trusted source of compensation to be used in exchange for the first valuable innovations of a pre-federation society in a way that avoids unnecessary exposure to our technology prior to its full federation status.
Fortunately, all members who have taken part in this practice have fairly participated in the securitization of the bitcoin network, contributing small amounts of energy to organize and record transactions onto its independent time-based ledger system called the “Timechain.” Fair participation is critical to establish trust upon first contact.
Further, our members have, thus far, successfully minimized their impact on the new monetary system of Earth. This is important to disguise our existence but will also help gain trust in the future as no member will be seen as having abused its privileged access to overwhelming amounts of energy and computational power. To that end, it is believed that none of our members have collected more than a single payment for their energy contributions; meaning that no member society has more than 50 out of the full supply of 21,000,000 bitcoin (this was originally the smallest attainable payment for this form of fair participation).
The ECC asks that you please continue exercising caution, keeping your contributions to the bitcoin network to an absolute minimum. As a reminder, even a single service payment (currently 6.25 out of the full supply of 21,000,000 bitcoin), will likely be sufficient compensation for any of their innovations following first contact. Once awarded full federation status, Humans of Earth will be permitted to act as a full trading partner and will be eligible for other means of value for value payment.
However, the purpose of this message is not simply to commend our members for following those aspects of the galactic playbook. All federated societies of the galaxy should also be aware that there have recently been an increasing number of atmospheric anomalies detected by the Humans of Earth. Many believe that these anomalies are primarily caused by the influx of near-earth TDEs following their upgrade to pre-federation status [Temporary Distortion Events (TDEs) are a byproduct of most means of galactic travel]. We are, therefore, requesting that all members voluntarily announce their travel coordinates to help ensure that any TDEs in the future are adequately dispersed in space-time to avoid detectable events on Earth.
Although it has been almost 50 GmRs since the last emerging civilization was upgraded to pre-federation status, it is imperative that we maintain the complete isolation of the Humans of Earth at this critical juncture. As stated, if the Humans of Earth begin to suspect the presence of an overwhelmingly advanced species, they are highly likely to skew their innovations towards violent technologies that could destabilize their society and disrupt their potential for future contributions.
Thank you for maintaining our core principles as we begin to prepare for the next member to be admitted into our peaceful, decentralized federation.
End wideband galactic transmission…