21 Futures - Tales From The Timechain

21 Futures

Freedom through stories

A cypherpunk fiction project to secure our privacy, personal liberty and financial freedom

The World First Bitcoin Fiction Anthology

Noderoid cyborgs, hidden treasure in the Sahara, and a new world order in Panama. Some of bitcoin’s brightest minds outline how the new era of sound money could affect humanity. In this book of diverse stories planted firmly in the bitcoin-verse, reality fractures into 21 futures. Some are wonderful, others terrifying. Including stories from Knut Svanholm, Ioni Appelberg, and Niko Laamanen.


“Before the first best-selling bitcoin novel hits shelves, before the first bitcoin blockbuster opens at your local theater—you will want to read this book” Eric Bies, Bitcoin Magazine. “21 Futures isn't just a book, it's a narrative revolution. From the tension of murder mysteries to the expanse of intergalactic dystopias, the anthology is a tapestry of transformation.” Amazon reviewer. “If you love bitcoin and you love sci-fi, this is the book for you!” Goodreads reviewer.

A project for bitcoin:

Great writing changes our minds; great stories speak to our hearts.

21 Futures seeks to spread impactful stories and break the barriers that separate worlds.

In partnership with Konsensus Network, 21 Futures is the home of bitcoin fiction.

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21 Futures: Financial Fallout — coming 2025

21 Futures - Tales From The Timechain

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